Pay It Forward Pricing for SoMeBizLife Conference

The great news is that we have cut costs out of the SoMeBizLife program thanks to the generosity of speakers, flexibility of the wonderful people at Delaware Valley College, and a willingness to bear some expenses that I may never recover. (But that’s part of being en entrepreneur!)

We have created “Pay It Forward” pricing. If you are helped by the speakers at the event, pay it forward by helping others learn what you have learned!

So we’re hearing one consistent question —

“What are the new prices and how do I get them?”

The very lowest prices below are now gone, but you can still attend the SoMeBizLife Conference at a great rate!

  1. Go to the SoMeBizLife website and click on Register.
    The pricing to use is “Pay It Forward” which is at the bottom of the list in the registration system.
  2. Select either regular or student/job seeker.
  3. Businesses and Nonprofits organizations should select regular ($98).
  4. Students and Job Seekers should select job seeker/ student ($78).
  5. After making this selection, you can apply the appropriate discount codes as follows:
  • SoMeBizBiz — takes $49 off business price of $118 for a net price of $69.
  • SoMeBizSeeker — takes $49 off job seeker/ student  price of $88 for a net price of $39.
  • SoMeBizNonProf — takes $80 off nonprofit price of $108 for a net price of $28.

If you have any questions, just call me — Chuck Hall, 866-606-7686

To get the prices below, you

  1. Go to the SoMeBizLife website and click on Register.
    The pricing to use is “Pay It Forward” which is at the bottom of the list in the registration system.
  2. Select either regular or student/job seeker.
  3. Businesses and Nonprofits organizations should select regular ($98).
  4. Students and Job Seekers should select job seeker/ student ($78).
  5. After making this selection, you can apply the appropriate discount codes as follows:


  • SoMeBizBiz — takes $49 off business price of $98 for a net price of $49.
  • SoMeBizSeeker — takes $49 off job seeker/ student  price for a net price of $29.
  • SoMeBizNonProf — takes $80 off nonprofit for a net price of $18.

If you have any questions, just call me — Chuck Hall, 866-606-7686

If you’d like background information about the new lower prices, click here.