Closing Out June, Looking Forward to September

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the first SoMeBizLife Conference, June 1 at DelVal College. From my perspective, this was an overwhelmingly positive event. One of the most powerful indicators of that is that many people have created, continued and deepened relationships by coming to the event and then sharing with each other subsequently through social media. Win!

In the post-conference survey, 63 of 65 people who responded said the conference was a good use of their time and money. I apologize to the two who did not feel that way, and hope I will have the opportunity to make it up to them in the future. Several people shared constructive feedback, which has been heard and is being acted upon. Six people expressed that they wished they had an opportunity to learn more about the basics of social media and we responded.

We’ll close out June with free SoMeBizLife Basics seminars on June 30 in Doylestown. We invited SoMeBizLife Conference participants, and then opened it up to anyone in the community who would like to learn the basics of social media. We’re holding a three-hour morning session, and repeating the same content in a three-hour afternoon session. As of Sunday, June 26, most of the 60 spots for this free program are sold out! Another win!

Many people have been asking me what’s next. And I wish I had all the details together to share with you right now! Be patient. Before the end of the month, we’ll have a great announcement to make about our next social media conference. I will be a variation on the theme and will provide opportunities to discover, experience and enjoy Social: Media, Business and Life. Heavy emphasis on “Life.”

More soon!

— Chuck Hall